
Saturday, 22 October 2011

LUVDUMP - Information is Power (2011)

LUVDUMP - Information is Power (2011) [Riotska Records]
After finding these guys on the Riotska Records Sampler, I had to get my mits on some more of their stuff. Luckily the band got int touch and pointed me in the direction of their 5 track EP. The EP starts off with the already reviewed (From the Riotska Sampler) title track "Information is Power" and echoing anthem of resistance and revolution. This is followed by "Gaza (Stop The War)", a melodic multi-person "woooo-ooooo" sing along song with ska roots and small protest video snippet thrown into the middle to reiterate what their saying. A powerful and fast tune designed to make you think! "Live For Today" is more west coast punk rock intro before switching to the east! Think NOFX and then bang Leftover Crack. Short with a simple message. Now after a speedy start to the song we can slow it right down with two-tone cruncher "Burn The Bank$", but don't get used to it, this band are more than happy to go from one extreme to the other when speed is involved and it works perfectly for them. A tranquil start sounds in the beginning of the slowest track on the EP. "This is England" has an almost reggae feel to it and throughout the song maintains the message of Anti-Racial Intolerance, which is thrown in our face like shit from a great height by the "I'm not Racist, but...." crowd. When I said it was the slowest track on the EP though, that's true, but they still need to do a 100mph sprint to the finish line, it what seems to be true LUVDUMP fashion. And I like it! This is followed by a secret track late on (I fuckin hate secret tracks, they do nothing but ruin the jukebox during a party and I don't want to sit in silence for 8 minutes before someone all of sudden screams blue fucking murder in my ear). This one isn't like that though. It's very calm and while it's a nice tune. It's way too out of place and not suited to the EP, in my very humble snot drenched, migraine ridden opinion right now! I look forward to their album release next year which I believe they are recording January 2012. 9/10

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