Jakal - Kick the Debris (2010) [DIY]
This 5 track EP from the 5 piece London based Reggae bunch starts off with the suttle and soothing "All over London Town". "Kingdom" starts off just as suttle, but hits the chorus and bring us up a level. Not being the biggest fan of Reggae, I do love it's nourishing nature and sense of roots but I don't own an awful lot, it's difficult for me to give a good representation, but having just the slightest injection of punk rock thrown into gives it a new edge on life. "Panopticon" starts off completely different and throughout has a distinct harder feel to it. Rough Reggae if you will, which sounds like it would come across brilliant live, especially in a small crowded DIY venue. The dash to the finish is good as well. We're thrown back into a state of relaxation by "Sundown Roots". I'm trying to bop my head in delight, but my head is used to going faster and I'm miles out of time! This song is more ska than anything else and it's another good tune. At the start of the next song "Border" I can hear the spirit of the Specials creeping through them and then the walk away from it and make it their own. Overall this EP is a great example of British Reggae, but again not being the biggest fan I'm not falling head over heels for it, but for Reggae fans, more than well worth a listen. 7.5/10
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