Fifteen Dead - NecroCrust EP (2011) [DIY]
This DIY release, and recording for that matter, by Aberdeen's black metal crust punk sadists is something to be treasured. At only 3 tracks long some might not find it worth while, but these 3 songs are superbly written.
They open us up with the track "Sunset". Even a wee cheeky piano piece at the start there and believe me it's a sign of things to come, cause this EP is diverse as hell. Lead vocalist Badger's echoing voice gives a sound of revoloution that wouldn't be far off at home as background music for the ongoing occupation of Wall Street. This matched along with the riffage of impending doom, followed by hope from the verse into the bridge before the chorus gives you the power to believe in something better.
If "Sunset" is the anthem for revolution in the US, then the one of the UK is undeniably this track. "Coalition Demolition". This time the it's the harrowing voice of Jamie Khrist, before the heartbeat of Ross Necro through his guitar let's us know it's time to start a fucking riot. The message is simple, but more powerful than you could hope for. A few audio news clips about the failures of our current government experiment and then an all in, we're pissed off go for it at the end. An excellent song.
The EP title track is just as much an anthem, even if it's not for the masses. "NecroCrust" is a brilliant tune, simple lyrics, but it seems that's not the point. Won't give too much away here though, get listening.
Although the quality isn't amazing, it was recorded on the drummers computer and vocally in a cupboard, it's an excellent example of the quality this band possess. 8.5/10