
Monday, 5 November 2012

Punktoberfest 2 @ Beat Generator, Dundee

Saturday October 20th @ Beat Generator

With chaos on the roads right from the get go due to the unfortunate event on a body being discovered at the side of the A90, the usual one hour journey took almost 4 hours and thus meant we missed the earlier portion on the gig, However what we caught was good.....

The Jackhammers: I arrived half way through their set and the fast paced punk and roller's lead singer had already clocked his head on the beam above the stage and was pissin blood. It was a nice thing to see upon arrival. It gave me hope the evening was going to be a wild one and the music backed that up. Nice gun show too. 7/10

Maxwell's Dead: Aside from seeing these boys a hundred times, for me they never have a 10/10 show. It's always just shy and I'm not quite sure what else they can do to push it further because they're brilliant! Strange Banter as always and awesome ska sections. 9/10

The Guttersnipes: With an ex-guitarist of Cock Sparrer thrown in the mix you're always going to be craving nothing less than gold, but for me the band were a bit so-so. I wanted more from this 3 piece, but it just wasn't happening for me. 6.5/10

The Cundeez: A most excellent set from the Cundeez who blew away their hometown as per usual and lit up the a humble attitude crowd. They played a brilliant set and only audience participation could have made this set better but it just wasn't there. 9/10

The Eddies: Hitting the stage, mask and all, was Dundee's local legends The Eddies. They played a lot harder than previous times I've seen them and it was quite the effort, especially the "Breaking the Law" cover by Judas Priest. Just not quite there though! 7.5/10

Overspill: I missed the first half of Overspill, but the second half was a pretty good performance. They blew me away with their set at Punktoberfest last year, but this year they seemed to be missing it for me. 8/10

Roughneck Riot:  Despite Matt's arm being busted from some skateboarding incident or something stupid like that, the band pulled off a brilliant performance. The lack of the mandolin, let them down a bit though, but they blew the roof off as best they could. 8/10

Billy Club: Think early Agnostic Front and your almost there. A long storied history of this band including ex Subs members, American origins and various other nuts and crackers make them an interesting bunch and the music was pretty good on the night too! 8/10

Drongos For Europe: The last few times I've seen Drongos they been disappointing. Tonight was no exception. The first time I saw them I cursed myself for not having found this band sooner, but its just not been happening in the latest shows I've been too. By this point the crowd was tired and it was well and truly kebab time 6/10

Overall: In the end, over two days, it was a great effort by the promoters, bands and the venue. It was just a case of the punters letting the scene down (Becoming all too familiar these days). The atmosphere wasn't quite the same as it was last year and the Friday I'm told was quiet, despite well over 100 people begging for Diddums to play. 7/10

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